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Congratulations to Jackie Cilley on her endorsement from the SEA!

Jackie Cilley is a former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, representing the Strafford 4th District, and a former member of the New Hampshire Senate for the 6th district. She has a long and distinguished career of championing labor causes and working people. We are very proud to endorse her campaign to return to the NH Statehouse and very thankful she is running! #NHPolitics

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So proud to have the endorsement of the Professional Fire Fighters of NH!


I'm gratified to have the endorsement and support of "Move the Goal Posts," an organization focused on creating a more inclusive New Hampshire in which we tackle the pressing issues facing our citizens and families.  We have seen the results of win-lose policies that leaves scores of our citizens behind.  I am dedicated to advocating for win-win solutions to the challenges that face us and leaving no-one behind!

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“I am thrilled to have Progressive Turnout Project’s support in this election! Protecting access to the ballot is a key component to protecting our democracy. Our campaign is committed to fighting for the expansion of voting rights for all of New Hampshire.”

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As an educator for more than 30 years, the endorsement of, and confidence in, my candidacy for NH State Representative for Strafford District 18 (including the communities of Barrington, Strafford, Middleton and New Durham) is especially dear to me. I stand with our dedicated teachers and commit my efforts to strengthening our local schools. 

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It is with the deepest appreciation that I accept the endorsement of NEA-NH, a teacher’s association whose roots go back to 1854 in New Hampshire. I share NEA-NH’s vision of “a great public school for every student” in our state regardless of their zip code. To meet that goal our local schools need our support and our dedicated teachers deserve our respect. As Christa McAuliffe, one of NEA-NH’s most famous teachers, said before her fateful space mission, “I touch the future. I teach.” Our teachers do, indeed, touch the future by equipping our children with the tools they will need to navigate the world, participate in our democracy, and add value to the workforce of tomorrow. I can think of few professions as meaningful or as necessary. As legislators we should provide the support and resources for our teachers to reach their fullest potential in guiding our children’s education.


I am honored to have received the Sierra Club of NH's endorsement for State Representative of Strafford District 18, encompassing the communities of Barrington, Strafford, Middleton and New Durham. I embrace the NHSC's recognition and acknowledgement that preserving the natural environment must be inclusive of the values of economic, social, and environmental justice. We can build a strong, equitable economy and preserve our natural environment at the same time.

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